
Automatic Login

  • Click on "Discover Hub" button and if all goes well - you'll be logged in and will see all of your devices!

    • Note: You will need to be on the same network as your Hubitat Hub for this to work

Manual Login

  • If the Automatic Login doesn't work, you can manually enter your Hub's details. Hit the Manual button to show the IP address field.

    • Note: You will need to be on the same network as your Hubitat Hub for this to work

    • HD+ will attempt to fetch the MakerAPI app ID automatically

Advanced Login

  • If the Automatic or Manual logins don't work - you can still login but will need to first get some information from the Hubitat's MakerAPI page.

  • Navigate to your Hub's webpage (typically hubitat.local)

  • If you want to use the app remotely (cloud support), scroll down further and look for a URL that starts with "cloud.hubitat.com". The value after /api/ is the Cloud token. Enter this into the Cloud token field of the app

Troubleshooting Logging In

If you're not able to login, here's some troubleshooting steps:

  • If you have enabled Hub Security (username/password) on your Hub, the app should detect this and prompt you to login. However, if this isn't working you might want to try disabling Hub Security temporarily just to login to the app.

  • The "Discover Hub" button uses UPnP to discover your hub on the network. UPnP isn't enabled on all networks and the app only waits a few seconds to discover the hub before timing-out and showing the IP address field. You can show it at any time by hitting the "Manual Entry" button. Enter your Hubitat Hub's IP address here and hit Login

    • The app does 2 things when you hit Login:

    • fetch the apps list page: http://HUB.IP/installedapp/list and look for "Maker API" app ID

    • fetch the Maker API settings page: http://HUB.IP/installedapp/configure/APP.ID/mainPage and look for access token ?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN and cloud token https://cloud.hubitat.com/api/CLOUD.TOKEN/apps

  • The automatic login process above could fail on future Hubitat Hub updates. Just report the issue on the Hubitat forums or send me a device log and I'll get it fixed!

Last updated