Video Tile

Add a video stream tile to your dashboard

To start, put the app into Edit mode -> Add Device -> Video Tile

Enter the URL of the video stream you want to view. The app supports a few types/formats for video streaming:


    • Examples:
  • RTSP - the URL will start with "rtsp://" or "rtsps://" and can have an optional username and password.

    • NOTE: I've found several links to test rtsp streams but they're not working.. if anyone has some good examples let me know

  • Youtube - a link to a Youtube video or livestream

    • Examples:

Video Drivers

The app will try to pick a video driver to match the video source. But, in some cases you might want to try another driver if the video doesn't play. HD+ embeds 4 open source video libraries:

  • ExoPlayer - this is a large open source driver which supports MANY formats

  • MJPEG - this driver is specific to MJPEG video

  • RTSP - this driver is specific to RTSP video; I've personally found this driver faster than ExoPlayer if you have a camera that supports RTSP video

  • Youtube - this driver will play back Youtube videos

Change Video Driver

  • long-press on a video tile

  • select Video Driver

Video Camera URL

If you have a video camera, check that it supports rtsp protocol. Many of the cloud-connected cameras today don't support this but there's several lists of those that do.

Video Support

I've only been able to test streaming video on a few different cameras.

If you're unable to get an RTSP video working, you can try isolating the issue by using the following demo app. This apk is the latest demo app from the rtsp library I'm using in HD+

If your camera stream works in this demo app but not HD+ please let me know and I'll investigate

Last updated